For Researchers Interested in the CHIP Bioregistry

The design of CHIP is one rooted in collaboration and our primary goal is aim to further scientific discovery. 

Access to Samples

If you would like to learn more about collaborating with us, please contact us and you will be directed towards our CHIP access application.

Project Manager: Lauren Humphrey-Stark
Office: 734-232-4779
Email: [email protected] 


We have the following samples and data available.

Chart showing biospecimens available including number of participants and number of samples

Last updated June 2024

Genetic Markers

  • Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) performed on 500k variants for all DNA samples
  • Testing DNA quality, establish genetic fingerprint and ancestry of samples 

Manuscript, Grant, IRB Boilerplate Language 

While a version of the below may be sufficient for some grants, manuscript, IRB applications, the CHIP team welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with you to assist with customizing language for your specific grant application. Please contact [email protected] to discuss your project needs. View or download IRB Boilerplate Language PDF.

Contact Us

To learn more about collaborating with us, please contact us via phone  at (734) 232-4779 or email at [email protected]. You may also apply for access to our specimens.